Okay, You and You, But Not You

Lord you have truly given me your eyes to see and your ears to hear! Thank you tami for this one!!

Lessons by Heart

Mary noticed the hushed conference between master and servant, their animated gestures, the panicked looks. She followed the servant back to the kitchen and discovered that they’d run out of wine. There were still several days of the wedding feast yet ahead.

“What to do, what to do!” the servant exclaimed.

Mary summoned Jesus and made Him aware of the situation. He seemed to mildly rebuke her, stating that His time had not yet come.

She knew her Son, though. To the servants she said,

“Whatever He says to you, do it.”

These are the last recorded words of Mary – and excellent counsel; but I don’t want to stop here.

Jesus instructed the servants to fill the water pots to the brim with water. Then He told them to take some to the master of the feast.

I wonder what the servants were thinking as they sought out this…

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Help Wanted

A wonderful opportunity to share Jesus!!

A Needed Word

Do you need another outlet? A Needed Word has openings for writing / graphic authors to contribute! The requirements are very simple, an ability to post a thought or verse based on the Bible, or Christian Foundations. Something thought provoking, inspiring, comforting or all of the above! Preferably with added graphics. If you are interested leave a note in the comments section, or if you know someone who might be, send them the link or email the post. God bless you!

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Possessing My Possession

I just have to share this rich and honest post full of wisdom given in way that inspires me to grow up and be all that god intended for me to be. This writer speaks from the heart and experience in the way that leaves no room for denial or victim mentality. A must read for anyone struggling to possess the promise land!!!

Lessons by Heart

When God sets us free from bondage, there are some things we need to know:

There is a Promised Land for us

– which does not refer to heaven (because…)

There are giants in the land!

(And there are no giants for us to fight in heaven!)

There is work for us to do.

God will not do for us those things which we are capable of doing ourselves.

After all, what good parent continues to tie their child’s shoes or dress him or her when the kid is in high school? Good parenting has mature, functioning adults as its goal.

Taking possession is not simply a matter of stepping onto property, but requires winning victories – one “city” at a time.

God may take down the walls of a stronghold, but our part is to destroy the residents within.

This will take effort; it will take courage; it will…

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The Little Boy

Father and Son with their son’s and daughter’s… how precious are your thoughts oh Lord, toward your children

Morning Story and Dilbert

Kleenex Alert

Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: “How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?”

The surgeon said, “I’m sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn’t make it.”

Sally said, “Why do little children get cancer? Doesn’t God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?”

The surgeon asked, “Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he’s transported to the university.”

Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good-bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair.

“Would you like a lock of his hair?” the nurse asked.

Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the…

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Alphabet of God’s Promises in Psalms

A timely reminder…..

Ancient Paths

 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.2 Corinthians 1:20

Arms me with strength ,always beside me, always keeps his promises, advises me and guides me, A shield around me Ps 18:32,145:13,33:8

Bends down to listen to my prayer, he hears my voice Ps116:1 – 2

Crowns the humble with victory, close to all who fear Him Ps149:4, 145:18

Destroys the wicked. directs my steps, and delights in the details of my life Ps145:20,37:23

Examines my heart Ps139,17:3

Frees the prisoners and those under heavy burdens Ps68:6

Guides me and gives me glory when I am in trouble, gives food to the needy Ps 33:8,40:15,146:7

Helps the fallen, hears the cries for help and rescues them, heals the broken hearted Ps145:14,145:20, 147:3

Is close to all who fear Him Ps 145:8

Justice …

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Distraction 101

Excellent instruction for shutting down Satan’s chatter and distractions. I receive it with open arms!!

Walking in Faith

Distraction 101

Why oh Why oh Why????????? Can’t I F*****O ^^^^^^^^C $$$$$$$$$ S? I have been wrestling with this and it is really taking on new meaning??

Last night as I tried unsuccessfully to sleep, my mind was racing, in every direction, I wanted to pray in the quiet of night, but my mind wasn’t quiet. I was thinking of all the needs abounding,and if I did not write it down, how would I remember what I needed to pray about. It was 3:28 am and as I desperately tried to clear my mind and pray, I had “Annie” songs ( my daughters were in the play over the weekend) playing over and over in my head, not only, “Tomorrow” But, also “NYC” and a little “You’re never fully dressed without a smile”. It was maddening. I then went to asking God outright- Please God take these songs out of my head…

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Why Me?

A must read!!

Unshakable Hope

Over the years I’ve had ALS, I’ve become convinced that for a Christian to retain hope in the midst of a difficult trial, he or she must believe that God allowed the trial for a purpose; a purpose greater than what God would have been able to accomplish in and through that person apart from the trial.

“…even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith…may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ…” (1 Peter 1:6-7)

I think every Christian that goes through a difficult trial will eventually ask “Whyme?”  

Patio profile

But, I’ve learned that our motive behind asking this seemingly simple question says a lot about how we view God – and also a lot about how we view ourselves.

The first man asks the…

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For A Crime I Did Not Commit

The ultimate test of trust in god. I struggle with this myself. It is heart breaking when evil seems to prevail.

Lessons by Heart

Many of us have suffered unthinkable acts at the hands of people who would be considered criminals if the world at large knew what they had done.

Their activities were never exposed, or if they were, had been quickly dismissed by people who should have protected us. In some cases, their turning away allowed the perpetrator to continue to dismantle our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

There are several such people in my history. In the quiet times of their lives, do they ever think about the damage they’ve done? Do they even give me a second thought? For all intents and purposes, I would have to say that they do not. They go on about their happy lives, unaffected by my pain.

Meanwhile, I relive their actions and words. The memory is as fresh in my mind today as if these things happened yesterday. I can tell you…

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